Author Interview: Cass Michaels

A displaced Southern Belle growing up in the Midwest, Cass Michaels is a romance writer with all the fluff and smut. Writing steamy romance novels has always been her calling as an avid reader, and was caught more than once sneaking off with her mother’s steamy romance novels. “I could write that!” So one day,ContinueContinue reading “Author Interview: Cass Michaels”

Jan 2022 Update

Yep, I’m alive. I’ve been working on my new book that went from a 10k piece to over 90k. It’s called F**k Buddies and I’m hoping Amazon will allow me to publish it with that title (cross your fingers for me). It’s in the hands of an editor and two betas. I have yet to give it to another editor, and do the second (possibly final) draft.


FREE IS THE WORD FOR THIS WEEKEND Y’ALL!! So everyone knows the best girls have my back, and for this weekend only, two of my besties and myself are putting our books on a FREE promotion. Yup, ALL THREE OF US HAVE BOOKS UP FOR FREE!! By the bestselling erotica author Lisa Andrew, comes aContinueContinue reading “FREE BOOKS ALL WEEKEND!”