Smut Ficlet: Take A Picture

I’m not breathing, and as I realize this, another push is made into me from behind, catching me before I can make another breath, and slamming into me so I can’t think to breathe again before it’s too late.

New Thriller Novel… Maybe Screenplay(s)

Hey y’all. It’s been a hot minute. With Covid, I’ve been preoccupied with the world going mad over everything, and lately have been hypersensitive to almost everything. Let me give you a very short rundown to all things that matter here… After eight years of writing, I had a close friend judge me and myContinueContinue reading “New Thriller Novel… Maybe Screenplay(s)”

Stephen King’s Dick and Jane writing exercise

So I’m reading LOL. Those who know me are aware of my reading habits (they’re not good). I have a very long list of TBR’s, and very, very slowly, I’m going to get through them. Currently, I’m reading Stephen King’s On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft and I have to say I love it.ContinueContinue reading “Stephen King’s Dick and Jane writing exercise”

Wicked Smaht

Well hello there! It’s been a minute! I have some GREAT news – I have written a brand spanking new short story I know you kinksters are going to LOVE. It’s called Wicked Smaht and it might remind you of a familiar face!! Plus… It’s FREE ALL WEEKEND!! Almost everything my ex says is aContinueContinue reading “Wicked Smaht”

Feminism in Porn

As an erotica writer, and as a writer in general, portraying an intimate act like sex, comes responsibility. As much as the stories aren’t real, and as much as we can make them whatever we want, I believe we still hold a responsibility to readers and to optimists who are open to the idea ofContinueContinue reading “Feminism in Porn”

My Biggest Competition as An Indie Author

This might be a rant of sorts, but imo it’s well deserved. I’ve only been a published author on Amazon for just over a year. And within that year I’ve seen some incredible mind-blowing shit. Some of which a selfish author with means trademarked a common word used in the romance and erotica genres, andContinueContinue reading “My Biggest Competition as An Indie Author”